Parenting books and effective tips to raise mentally strong kids - Meteorio

Parenting books and effective tips to raise mentally strong kids

| 3 years ago

Every parent wishes for the success of their child. Some children envision this wish as a want than a need. Absolutely, parents are the best source of enlightenment and inspiration in our lives. Parenting books are available in plenty in the market.

Did you find it hard to choose the best ones?

How do you make the best choice? 

Are there guidelines also for guiding our children?

The wisdom of parents combined with more knowledge from books is a good path to growth in children. As a matter of fact, experience and information are an excellent combination to nurture a growing child.

This article highlights the top best parenting books which will help you. It is living proof of influence, inspiration, and integrity. Besides, it is a privilege to access books through several digital platforms.

But how many of us make the best use of it?

Additionally, we are to stack our shelves with a few collections of parenting books. Assuredly, it is an asset.

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Wriggles and Giggles

Parenting is a marathon race. You can expect some to wait with refreshing drinks or bitter drinks on your way. In fact, remember that every moment is a step to betterment in parenting. You may wriggle your way out of tough paths and patches. Definitely, you will forget all the miseries with the giggles of your children. Grab every piece of information on this topic from different resources. Always take a careful step while executing any of the points from a source. Social media, magazines, journals, parent clubs, etc give ample tips to help you set the creases of parenthood. Moreover, it isn’t that simple. Help yourself to wriggle out towards those magical giggles!

Magic of Parenting books

Who plays the leading Role?

Our society is determined to state that mothers are more responsible in the upbringing of their children. It is upbringing and not upbraiding! 

The scenario is different and difficult for single parents. In fact, they play a double role of being both a father and a mother. This becomes incomplete until and unless the parent can effectively handle the mindset of both the gender. I know of single fathers and mothers who do it extraordinarily well. 

Parenting is a joint responsibility. It’s as simple and complex as braiding long hair. Unruly and messy strands are combed to make it meet the other strands.It is a beautiful intertwining of qualities, skills, and patience. Nonetheless, we cannot let it loose or make it tight at any juncture.

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Children being a blank CD

You are content when you fill a blank CD with good content. It plays what you fill it with. The same applies to a child. Learning and grasping power develops from the womb. A child begins filling its blank and empty brain with anything and everything. Remember that all its senses are sharp and brand new. So the process is quite fast! 

Show them what to do and they will reciprocate the same in life.

Scolding and Molding

Scolding is not the only way to mold a child. Many parents pick this as a strong tool to control both children and teenagers. Alternatively, there are more ways to get the attention of your kid. I have also come across the shocking attitude of parents who simply don’t respond to kids who hurt and tumble down the roof of their house! 

Primarily, here I feel that parents need to raise themselves up. 

A balance between responsibility, response, and reciprocation is important in parenting. 

Children internalize as they are scolded and reprimanded during their childhood days.

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The dough that is kneaded to prepare bread is a perfect example of this topic. We cannot prepare soft bread by merely beating the dough. At times warm milk or warm water is essential to make the best dough. Furthermore, it is not advisable to rush into solutions by not exposing the child to hardships. Parents are to support them and help them overcome it. Discussion plays a significant part in domination and dictatorship. 

Good Rapport with parenting books

Talking and Speaking

Both these words and their meanings have a purpose in life. Nothing is better or less than the other. Precisely, children should know when to speak and when to talk.

Good speech leads to healthy talks in life. Of course, you don’t have to do a full-on course to learn to speak well. Language is not the basic tool for a good speech. It is the attitude, body language, and good focus. These basic principles are to be inculcated at a very young age. Today, people speak unnecessarily. Moreover, this speech drives them to serious talks later.

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Why not be an open book with the aptitude and right attitude which your children could be proud of!

The Helpline for Parents

Experience is the best mentor. You may have several experts to laud you with advice on parenting books.

How will you pick on the right one for you?

Many problems could find a solution by being a part of a good parents’ circle. Still, it doesn’t promise a complete solution. As a matter of fact, why should we be competent when it comes to our child’s success?

How to Talk so kids will listen and how to listen so kids will talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

A good bond with your child is the route to a good relationship. It also lays the root foundation for the child to master techniques in amicable relationships. Undoubtedly, the world has become highly competitive. And, I would say that that sometimes it is futile and meaningless competition. Eventually, this attitude mars the creativity in any child. Often we hear that children are pressurized in studies and examinations. 

But is this a hindrance to good intrapersonal skills? 

It should never be so. This book helps to tackle negative vibes in a child without disturbing their small developing brain. It is important to set an example to the child on resolving family issues with fewer arguments. This could be easily done through Parenting books.

Mindful Parenting

Mindful Parenting by Suchitra Shenoy is a good soothing balm for all your health complaints. New parents could make a lot of mistakes. Subsequently, your mistake may not be the same as your friends’. This is a helpline to all erring first attempts with a solution to anxiety during parenting. The common situations exemplified are the signs of a hungry infant, teething toddler, aching tummy, constipated little baby, etc .

Mindful Parenting

Next book in line is one with a cute illustration exclusively for Indian parents. To be frank, our society is compelling at times. Most of our relatives draw lines as to how one should look after their children.  

Advice is a really good idea but no always. For instance, it becomes overwhelming when one gets bombarded with too many irrelevant ones. Especially I have seen new parents seeking help from the wrong ‘master of nothing’. 

Parenting Tips for Indian Parentsby Deepa Chaudhury is a simple yet motivational combination of effective tips for parents.

Does nature play any role in the life of kids and adults? 

Can parents be friends with their children?

How to deal with the tantrums and arrogance of teenagers?

Here, these questions are answered in a rather satisfying manner.

4)How your personality makes or breaks your child by Dr. Chayanika Singh.

All of us are in awe of a good personality. We also desire the same for our children. Well, it ain’t easy to shape one in the good prospectus of character and values. Adults have a big role in this. Let’s not put the entire responsibility on the parents alone. 

A child imbibes knowledge and information from everyone around. They do listen when we expect them not to do so. 

We make a lot of mistakes while expecting high from our child. This book throws light on the sense of discipline and decorum on parents. Undoubtedly, the family is precious and also a joint responsibility. Let us enable the child to understand this point from a very young age.

Emotionally strong sons and daughters

Strong Mothers and Strong Sons by Meg Meeker

The title caught my attention to read this book within a day. People often ask me if there is a difference in bringing up a son from a daughter. Yes, what’s the doubt!

No role and rule are identical. Behind every successful woman, there is an understanding man. As mothers, it is indeed our responsibility to bring up a son with respect to the opposite sex. The challenges faced by men and boys are different from daughters and women.

I have encountered many women who totally sacrifice their time and passion to run the family. They are also emotionally driven with reference to their sons. This book is an answer to all the queries that are flooding your minds at the moment!

The book you wish your Parents had read by Phillipa Perry

Regrets and targets often collide with each other to spoil happiness. All we have gone through a point where we were disappointed with our own parents. Several factors and circumstances could have hindered in establishing a good rapport between family members Nevertheless, it takes a lot of time for people to realize the mistakes they made towards their own children. Who are the victims?

Definitely, the child and you.

Each of us has a strategy that works best with our children and family members. More than a secret it is art. You could be proud of this discovery of art because it is unique to your own family.

This book is an additional resource, especially when near and dear ones become your hard-earned possession.

A Dutiful and Bountiful Responsibility

It should be noted that this planet has to be reserved for the next generation. Each parent ought to work towards the goal of reshaping their missed past through the art of parenting.Parenting books enrich this journey through multilayered and versatile examples. I can strongly assert that I evolved as a better person from the birth of my child. You too may have the same assurance in life. Parenthood is redesigning one’s life through rededication. We need to travel into the past and the future to raise a better human being. Additionally, we need to introspect and foresee many things to prepare this world for the best.

Parenting books are good friends


Uniquely, every age has its distinctive story to tell. Experience and expertise change over time. Clothing, style, music, food, etc are independent choices. Most of the successful parenting books suggest that ‘imposing’ work less with children. Learn to guide them but never expect them to adhere and abide by anything.  A simple summary would be to show them both the good and the evil.Identity builds up when you give them the liberty to make a choice. Nothing should stop you from cross-checking and ensuring their safety. 


  1. What is wrong with Indian parents and society? | by Tonarsystem | Thoughts And Ideas | Medium
  2. How to Use Social Media, According to Teen Girls - The New York Times

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Rini Mathew

(@Rini Mathew)

Rini Rose Mathew is a Language Tutor by trade. Her interest in writing and voice modulation has taken form as creative documentaries. Her poems and articles find way in International Journals as source of experience and dedication to Language as an art. The belief that language is an approach and an amalgam of life finds credit in many of her published works.

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